Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tall Women: Israeli Bookies Love You

Raise your hand if you’ve been to a WNBA game. No? Nobody? Yeah, that’s because us Americans don’t care about Women’s rights, or Title IX, or the great advances of feminism in the 20th century. We are an inferior people, a lesser species, a bunch of bassackwards hillbillies waiting to reach a higher stage of enlightenment. A stage that heretofore only Israelis have achieved.

Israelis are so enlightened, so forward-thinking, that they care about Women’s roundball, and they don’t even live within 5000 miles of a live WNBA team. What is my proof, you ask? Take a look at this betting stub I got from one of Israel's lotto companies, טוטו (Toto), which has a stand on virtually every street corner. In addition to enabling you to bet on European rugby, Spanish bullfights and even American Major League Soccer, you can bet on the WNBA! How enlightened! Even the lowliest flim-flam man, the back-alley scamster, the shady bookies and Russian mobsters can be a part of the women’s revolution that is the WNBA.

What’s that you say? But they don’t bet on Major League Baseball? Yeah, well then that just makes them eligible for the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Me, I'll take Detroit over Chicago with the spread. I hear they've got a bunch of nappy headed hos.


Jack Steiner said...

Have you ever been to a WNBA game? I have and it was just terrible. Dull is not descriptive enough.

I have tried to watch a few on television and never managed to quite make it.

Just no action.

As a rule I am not a huge fan of soccer, but sometimes women's soccer is kind of fun to watch.

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