Tuesday, September 11, 2007

L'Shunah Tuvah Bubbele

... As my bubbie would pronounce it ('Straight outta Poland'). Everyone go out and have a heckuva year in 5768. Purge those sins, return ye backsliding children, and don't forget that if you come halfway, then the Big Hashem-ster will come the rest of the way for you. And don't forget to floss.

Oh yeah. And hey, keep on reading the Radical Cleric. I'm not feeling the love, people. In fact, since the clearly un-funny Transgendered Bracha Throwdown, I sense my readership has dropped to possibly the low single digits. C'mon, mom, tell Uncle Shecky to give me a bookmark; last year I comp-ed him for High Holidays...


annabel lee said...

Open yourself up to anonymous comments, kiddo! :)

And l'shana tova tikatevu. I miss you. Which is funny, since I don't think you know me by this name...

Radical Cleric said...

Ask and you shall receive... anonymity enabled.