Saturday, September 29, 2007

I'm feeling self-concious; this is my manifesto

The other day I was watching 'Californication', a truly terrible television show that a friend of mine recommended that I can't stop watching. In the show, Ducovny goes on a rant about blogs watering down the intellectual process and posing as pseudo-writing. In addition, the internet and internet-speak have pared down the English language to a series of acronymical babble: LOL, BRB, etc.

So take this as a disclaimer for those who haven't already noticed: I'm no writer. I'm not posing as a writer. Someday, I might write a book. I will write carefully. I will use a dictionary. I will hire an editor. I might collect my thoughts and cull through them with precision. Until then, I will ramble about things that annoy me, recent sporting events that have no bearing on real life, and sudden flashes of frustration about my selected religious expression. But don't think I'm doing it because I think I'm a 'writer'. I'll be the first to admit: I haven't the foggiest idea what I'm doing. One day, I just decided to write. Someday, I might stop. Till then, I'll do my best to make sense on occasion. Seacrest out.

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